Every bookshop on earth has a bot that trundles around the internet looking for books that it can add to its online store.
We have therefore harnessed the power of technology - by proxy - to ensure that you can order our books everywhere - at home, on your phone, in a bookshop, even. In ebook and paperback. We are operating - by proxy - the biggest bookshop in the world. A big thank-you to the builders of online capitalism. That leaves us to write our own books, find new authors, publish their books and ours - and fill this website with books, covers, extracts, reviews, more books, author profiles, freebies, special offers, short stories and more books. We're publishing Patricia Finney, Simon Minchin, William Essex and Richard Chase already, and there'll be more. The book covers that line the pages of this website all link to, ah, places where they sell. It's all under construction and we're adding bits as we go along, so come on back when you can. There'll always be something new. |